

CH Swiss Run’s Burke Mountain Bandit Bowdoin is from our “VT” Litter pictured at 2 years of age. Retired Litters Sired- 8 Puppies 5 Boys 3 Girls “Jungle Book” Litter 4 Puppies 3 Girls 1 Boy “You Should Be Dancing” Litter...


GCH. Swiss Run’s Gutsiest Move I ever Saw, CGCA, CGCU, NWPD, RN RETIRED DECEASED 8/19/2021 Goose is our boy out of Berkley and Cash Sired- 10 Puppies 6 Boys 4 Girls (Bee) Litter 4/10/2016 (2 Champion) 10 Puppies all Girls (Odds) Litter From Blue View Swissy...


AM/Canadian GCH Swiss Run’s I’ll Be Your Wingman Anytime, RE, NBDD, CGCA, CGCU, PT, NWPD, TKD, FDC, TDI ROM “RETIRED “ Merlin is our boy out of Berkley and Cash Litters Sired- 3 Puppies 2 Boy 1 Girl (Pitch Perfect) Litter 10/24/2015 (2 Champions) 4 Puppies...


GCH Swiss Run’s All About Ridin The North Rim With Rodeo, CGCA, RA, NWPD, TKD, FDC, PT, ROM Retired from breeding DECEASED Leroy is our new boy out of our boy Mon and Wookie out of Rodeo Swissy Pictured at 3 years old. 5 Puppies 1 Boy 4 Girls (Niquette Bay) Litter...


BISS Am/Can GCHG Swiss Run’s Jamaican Me Crazy, CD, WWD, MDD, NBDD, RE, PT, CGCA, CGCU, TDI, NWPD, TKA, FDC, LOM, VGS, VROM, ROM Deceased Mon is a boy we bred out of Nessa and Stevie.  From the start he has always been the center of attention.  He is a big goofy boy...


GCH. Swiss Run’s Over The Legal Limit, CGC, IT RETIRED Deceased Helyas is our singleton puppy out of Aare and Spencer ( He is turning out to be a very nice boy with a great personality and show presence like his parents. Keep an eye out...