Puppy Application Puppy Application Swiss Run Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs Deanna and Ben Never 833 Georgia Mountain Rd Fairfax, VT 05454 Please fill out the contact information in the space provided. After submitting this form, you will receive an automated response and will be contacted regarding your application once we have a chance to review it. To print and mail in this application, click here. First Name * Last Name * Address * City * State * Zipcode * Phone * Email * Specify ages of all those in your household Occupation of adults in household Were you aware that the Swissy is a rare breed and that the purchase fees could range from $3,500 – $4,500? * YesNo Living arrangement * HouseApartmentCondoOther The area you live is: * UrbanSuburbanRural Are you allowed large dogs where you live? * YesNo Do you have other pets? * YesNo If yes, what kind/sex/are they altered? Do you have previous pet experiences? * YesNo Is someone home during the day? * YesNo if not, how do you intend to provide for the puppy during your absence? Where will this dog primarily live? * IndoorOutdoor Do you have a fenced area? * YesNo if yes, how large and what type of fence? if no, how do you intend to exercise your dog/how often? Did you know that house training may take upto 6-9 months? * YesNo This breed sheds. Will you be able to deal with this issue? * YesNo If you have younger children, do you know that toddlers and large breed dogs need to be taught how to interact with each other to avoid possible physical injury? * YesNo To what extent will you use a crate? * How do you intend to socialize the puppy? * Where and what type of training classes will you take? * What experience do you have with large breed working dogs? * Have you personally encountered a Swissy? * YesNo Why do you want to own a Swissy? * How did you learn about Swissy? * Please describe your perfect Swissy? * Puppy Specifications: Gender * MaleFemale Puppy Specifications: Quality * PetShow Quality Do you plan on breeding? * YesNo if not, are you willing to wait until your swissy is 18-24 months old to spay or neuter him/her? * YesNo How do you plan on working your Swissy? * Obedience Conformation Agility Carting Weight Pulling Service Dog Rally Other Have you researched the diseases that can affect Swissys, such as OCD, bloat/gastric torsion, epilepsy, splenic torsion, etc? Do you know treating some of these conditions can be very expensive? * YesNo Do you have a veterinarian knowledgeable about large breeds? * YesNo What is your veterinarian’s name/number? Do you have an emergency Veterinary Clinic nearby? * YesNo Are you aware that this is a human dependant (needy) breed? * YesNo Are you aware of how much food and quality of food is required for a large breed dog? * YesNo How did you hear about us? * Once your application has been approved and once your new Swissy puppy is born and doing well, a $500.00 non-refundable deposit may be made on him/her. I do not guarantee anyone a puppy until they have been evaluated and I know they are being placed in the appropriate homes. If I feel I do not have a puppy that will suit your needs your deposit will be refunded. The remaining balance is due before shipping or at the time you pick up of your puppy. Shipping cost will be the responsibility of purchaser i.e. Cost of crate, health certificate and airline fee. Make checks payable to Deanna Never or Swiss Run Swissy. Note: All puppies sold will be charged 6% VT State Sales Tax. Name Name First First Last Last Submit Application Δ